I had checked out Redgrave's Liquid mesh experiments when they first surfaced a few months ago. I thought they were a fascinating first step towards the holy grail of mesh that follows tissue instead of just bones.
The results were crude womens jeans that sort of worked as advertised but like most SL women's fashions were incompatible with body shapes outside the Barbie mode.
Now a torrent of new designs for men using liquid mesh have hit the Redgrave shelves and like most mesh they work better on guys with our straight lines and less diversity of body shape. This is exciting stuff and I have started seeing the few designs they have released everywhere.
In a way its almost a return to the old days of putting on an outfit and then adjusting your shape and seeing the clothing adjust with it. If you put on liquid mesh and you see holes and gaps, you may find no matter how counter-intuitive it seems, that you need to increase rather than decrease muscle mass or widen your shoulders to make the gaps close. Usually the required adjustments are minor.
Also featured in this post, my Road Trip necklace is going to be one of the finds in the upcoming MENstuff Hunt by Bats Mertel's Digital Aura
Shape: Self made
3D Prim Full Beard by Jaryth's Barbershop
Tintable Masculine Eyebrows by Jaryth's Barbershop
Eddesign - Complete body hair type 1
Letis Tattoo :: Sirius ::
HeavyUsed Jeans+Belt / ClassicCut - REDGRAVE
Mesh - T-Shirt Imprint- BUNDLE - REDGRAVE
Guest Photographer Amy Smith