Redgrave's liquid mesh gave us mesh that follows flesh now Hoorenbeek gives us mesh that follows light.
Materials means mesh with a reflection sheen that tracks local light. As you can see with Hoorenbeek's Logan jacket light behind my right shoulder follows the sculpt of my jacket naturally.
You need a viewer capable of materials, My Cool VL viewer has it in an experimental beta version that is working well for me. There are multiple versions of each Materials ready piece Hoorenbeek has released recently. A dynamic, mixed and static version. Static means old style painted on high lights, no materials, Dynamic is all materials lighting and looks matte black in a viewer that can't see materials but takes advantage of the full effect in viewers that can see it. Mixed is exactly what it sounds like. A version with the painted on high lights that looks good to someone in an older viewer with Materials sheen underneath giving a partial Materials effect.
Mixed is probably what most people will opt for while while everyone gets their viewers updated to materials ready, but Dynamic is Materials lighting at its most spectacular.
As you can see the light reflection catches colour differences too allowing you to match the mood of any SL environment.
Liquid mesh gives us a glimpse of the post Deformer SL world's clothing shapes, Materials a world where light shines and dances across surfaces. There is still a place for the craftsmen and crasftswomen sculpting equisitely detailed clothing shapes. Things like jackets and shoes, Objects with mass and weight. Materials lighting effects just add another arrow to the creator's arsenal.
Mesh Leather Pants - Black - Materials & Mesh Deformer Viewer Ready
Mesh Leather Jacket - Logan - Black - Materials Viewer and Mesh Deformer Ready
Leather Sneakers - Justin - Black (Materials Viewer ready)
Shape: Self made
3D Prim Full Beard by Jaryth's Barbershop
Tintable Masculine Eyebrows by Jaryth's Barbershop
Eddesign - Complete body hair type 1
Letis Tattoo :: Sirius ::
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